Spicy MaLaTang Recipe

Customizing Spice Levels: Malatang Recipe

Hello! Today, I’m going to show you a spicy malatang recipe that you can make!


About Malatang

Health and Nutritional Information:

  • Ma La Tang is a spicy and flavorful Chinese dish known for its hot and numbing sensation.
  • It typically consists of a variety of ingredients such as meats, seafood, vegetables, and tofu cooked in a spicy broth.
  • The nutritional profile of Ma La Tang can vary depending on the ingredients used, but it is generally a rich source of protein and vitamins from the various ingredients.
  • The spice level and the amount of oil used in the broth can affect the calorie and fat content of the dish.

Meal Recommendation:

  • Ma La Tang is a popular choice for those who enjoy spicy and bold flavors.
  • It is a great option for communal dining, as it allows people to customize their own bowls with their preferred ingredients.
  • It can be enjoyed as a complete meal on its own or paired with steamed rice or noodles for a more filling experience.
  • Due to its spicy nature, Ma La Tang is often consumed during colder months to provide warmth and comfort.


  • The key ingredients in Ma La Tang include various meats such as beef, lamb, and chicken, as well as seafood like shrimp and fish balls.
  • Vegetables like cabbage, mushrooms, and bean sprouts are commonly added for freshness and texture.
  • Tofu and tofu skin are often included to provide a protein-rich component.
  • Spices such as Sichuan peppercorns, chili peppers, and garlic are used to create the distinctive ma la (numbing and spicy) flavor.

Historical and Cultural Background:

  • Ma La Tang originated from the Sichuan province in China, known for its bold and spicy cuisine.
  • It has gained popularity not only in China but also in various parts of the world, thanks to its unique flavor profile.
  • The dish is often associated with communal dining and social gatherings, as it encourages sharing and interaction among diners.
  • Ma La Tang has become a staple street food in many cities, with vendors offering a wide selection of ingredients and spice levels.

Homemade Tips and Equipment Introduction:

  • Ma La Tang can be easily prepared at home by simmering the chosen ingredients in a homemade or store-bought spicy broth.
  • The level of spiciness can be adjusted according to personal preference by adding more or less chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns.
  • A large pot or electric hot pot is typically used to cook the broth and ingredients together.
  • It is recommended to have a variety of ingredients prepped and ready to cook, allowing for a customizable dining experience.

Matching with Food and Beverages:

  • Ma La Tang is often enjoyed with a side of steamed rice or noodles, which help balance out the spiciness of the dish.
  • Some people prefer to have a refreshing drink like iced tea or a cold beer to complement the heat.
  • Dairy-based beverages like milk or yogurt can help soothe the spiciness and provide relief.
  • It is important to choose beverages that can complement and enhance the flavors of the dish while offering a cooling effect.

Shall we get started?
Take your time and follow along!


Malatang Recipe and Tips


  • Assorted meats (such as beef, lamb, chicken) and seafood (shrimp, fish balls)
  • Assorted vegetables (cabbage, mushrooms, bean sprouts)
  • Tofu and tofu skin
  • Spices (Sichuan peppercorns, dried chili peppers, garlic)
  • Hot pot broth or spicy soup base
  • Cooking oil


  1. Prepare the ingredients by slicing the meats, seafood, and vegetables into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Heat some cooking oil in a large pot or electric hot pot.
  3. Add the sliced garlic and dried chili peppers to the pot, and stir-fry until fragrant.
  4. Add the hot pot broth or spicy soup base to the pot and bring it to a simmer.
  5. Place the meats, seafood, and vegetables into the pot, starting with the ones that require longer cooking time.
  6. Allow the ingredients to cook in the simmering broth until they are cooked through and tender.
  7. Adjust the spice level by adding more Sichuan peppercorns or chili peppers if desired.
  8. Serve the malatang hot with a slotted spoon, allowing diners to choose their desired ingredients from the pot.


  • Customize your malatang by selecting your preferred ingredients. You can choose a combination of meats, seafood, and vegetables according to your taste.
  • Adjust the spiciness of the broth by adding more or fewer chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns.
  • Consider adding additional seasonings like soy sauce, sesame oil, or vinegar to enhance the flavor of the broth.
  • Don’t overcook the ingredients to maintain their texture and freshness.
  • Have a variety of dipping sauces available, such as soy sauce, chili oil, or sesame paste, for added flavor.


  • Large pot or electric hot pot: Used for cooking the malatang broth and ingredients.
  • Slotted spoon: Helps remove the cooked ingredients from the pot.
  • Chopping board and knife: For slicing meats, seafood, and vegetables.
  • Ladle or soup spoon: Used for serving the hot broth.

Enjoy your delicious Malatang!


Calories of Malatang

The calorie content of malatang can vary depending on the ingredients used and the portion size. As malatang is a customizable dish with various meats, seafood, and vegetables, it’s challenging to provide an exact calorie count. However, it’s generally considered a high-calorie dish due to the inclusion of meats, oils, and spicy broth.

On average, a serving of malatang can range from 500 to 800 calories or more, depending on the ingredients and the size of the serving. Keep in mind that adding high-fat meats or excessive amounts of oil can significantly increase the calorie content.


Recipe Review


  • Malatang is a popular and flavorful Chinese dish.
  • It is known for its spicy and numbing flavors.
  • The dish is often enjoyed as a communal hot pot meal.
  • The customizable nature of malatang allows for a variety of ingredients and spice levels.

Taste Evaluation:

  • The spicy broth in malatang packs a punch and adds a fiery kick to the dish.
  • The numbing sensation from Sichuan peppercorns adds a unique and distinct flavor.
  • The combination of spices and aromatics creates a rich and savory taste.
  • The variety of ingredients, such as meats, seafood, and vegetables, adds depth and texture to each bite.

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The best spicy malatang recipe,Enjoy your meal and have a happy day!

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